Welcome to the captivating world of Arthos. A realm rich with ancient magic and full of beauty and mystery; a realm now steeped in conflict, the culmination of a dark past. Lush and verdant, stark and desolate, this vast land is shared by a plethora of mortal races – proud elves, enterprising humans, indomitable dwarves, formidable orcs and a myriad of others all call this place home. But they are not alone here. In this world mortals walk astride the primordial Firstborn Dragons and the Gods of Light and Darkness, each vying to place themselves at the apex of power.
Straddling the known world are three large continents, and between each lie a number of islands and other small land masses. Maud’madir is the largest and most developed of these, typically depicted in a central location by the cartographers who call it home. The original home of the Grey Elves, this continent boasts a wide range of natural features from the great central mountains that provide a shared home for peak-dwelling Avians and underground Dwarves, to the thick woodlands of Aslak, Teris, and Fel’nir, to the fertile central plains of Berphaunt and Tiefanue – many of the great nations and states of Arthos call this rich land home.
These nations are arrayed into powerful factions, at times divided both within and without. The Empire of Berphaunt, a faction that orbits around the influence of the mighty human nation of the same name, claims sovereignty over the Dark Elven Kingdom of Antioch, the Dwarven Kingdom of Bakura, the Avian Kingdom of Mizrah Atara, and has a strong political alliance with the High Elven Kingdom of Suvant. In opposition lies the Whiteraven Alliance, a concordat between the human Kingdom and Church, of Tiefanue, the island nations of Duvain, the Hobling nation of Teris, the Wolven lands of Aslak, and their erstwhile rivals, the Savar’Aving lands of Fel’nir.
This stratification of nations is in part due to the threat posed by the recent emergence of the southern continent, Amaranthia, and its master, the God of Dominance, Ga’more. As of yet unexplored, he rules this realm with his innumerable insectoid army, the Brood. Desiring to enslave all life for his ends, the threat of invasion from these lands poses an ever-present threat to the free peoples of all other nations.
Far to the west, across an expansive and turbulent ocean, lies the continent known as Prima. Though trade and travel have both recently opened in small proportion, much of this land is unknown to those who have not dwelled there. Named after its most populous nation, this place of extremes is home to the desert dwelling and nomadic Fire Elves of Rashada as well as the manufactured paradise of Prima Core, the homeland of a fearsome race of magic-hating humans known as the Pax Mordabish.
Though the seas of Arthos become more unwelcoming the further you sail from the mainland, many still push the limits in search of more. A brave heart may yet unearth wealth, adventure, power, and all the perils of venturing to the ends of the world.