Titles: The Bloodletter, Heart Eater
Domain: Bloodlust, Violence
Symbol: At least one axe, coloured blood red.
Sphere Granted: Dark
Baaagh is the lord of violence and bloodshed, a favourite among the greenskins, wytches, conjurers of the demonic, and those that revel in violence and gladiatorial combat. Baaagh thrives on chaos and carnage, both on and off the battlefield. His faithful do not just indulge in violence; they are expected to rally and incite it in others. Baaagh’s lust for violence is exceeded only by his hatred for beauty. To the Bloodletter, artistry and works of inspiration sooth a violent heart. By their nature they cultivate an end to savagery and there is nothing more offensive to Baaagh than peace.
There is no honour or chivalry in Baaagh’s dogma. What doesn’t kill you makes you weak, wounded, and easy prey. No quarter is given or and no quarter is expected. The Bloodletter does not demand glory from his faithful, only bloodshed. Many gladiators and arena combatants have found that excessive violence and showmanship rally the crowd and incite their bloodlust. The frenzied call for more brutality and bloodshed is the same to Baaagh as an eloquent prayer. Almost all who make a living in the fighting pits and arenas show some respect, if not outright devotion, to the Heart Eater. When the blood flows and the feverish chants of the crowd fill their ears, they know the Bloodletter is watching.
Baaagh has special relationship with the demonic. While it is commonly known that demons hate both the angelic and the gods they serve, Baaagh has found a way to circumvent this hatred with the use of sheer excessive violence. Baaagh does not barter with demons. Baaagh destroys demons, traps them, enslaves them and uses them to bless his faithful with their power. Because of this and Baaagh’s belief that blood is power, many who practice wytchcraft or demonic conjuring revere the Bloodletter.
Baaagh has no organised church. His faithful find that the blood soaked sands of the arena or the limb strewn fields of battle are altars enough to shout forth his prayers. This is not to say that those who worship Baaagh are insular. More often than not the Bloodletter’s faithful will work with the servants of other gods within the Dark pantheon, if the possibility of violence is expected. Altars to the Heart Eater may be found in larger Churches of Darkness, where blood sacrifices can be made in his name.

Baaagh appears on the mortal plane as a hulking armoured juggernaut. His monstrous armour, protecting him from head to toe, is horrifyingly secured to his skeleton by large bolts capped with iron spikes. This fusion of flesh and iron makes Baaagh one with his armour, protecting him from even the most grievous wounds that would strike any other dead.
On his head, bolted to his shoulders and his skull, rests a terrifying great helm. Protruding from every inch of its surface are jagged rusted spikes, none more gruesome than the two that sit above his eyes, caked in gore and puss. Baaagh, known for his liberal use of headbutts in battle, utilises them for maximum carnage at every given opportunity. From behind the dark and rusted slits of his face plate pours a never ending stream of vibrant red blood. When Baaagh enters combat and his bloodlust takes hold, the torrent of blood increases, leaving vast pools of crimson in his wake. None have seen the face of Baaagh, but when he speaks it is always in an Orcish dialect. Many assume he is an Orc, but no one can say for certain.
In combat Baaagh requires no fancy magic fire swords, weak poison knitting needles or stupid dancing cutlery. Nor does he employ the use of the rotting corpses of already defeated weaklings. When slaughter is required, Baaagh uses either his massive battled scarred axe or his own spiked and armoured fists. Should his traditional methods of destruction fail him, Baaagh has been known to employ any weapons close at hand, including the limbs of his enemies. Baaagh’s strength and fury is unparalleled among the gods and even many Firstborn. No armour can deflect his blows, no weapon can parry his strike, and no threshold can delay his thirst for violence. When bloodlust overcomes the Heart Eater he is nigh unstoppable. The more frenzied Baaagh becomes, the greater the carnage and devastation he leaves behind.
Baaagh is known to possess an Orb of Power known as Shimm. While Shimm is said to be capable of controlling great forces of elemental magic, Baaagh does not often use it. Though Baaagh seems not to care much for the Orb he refuses to relinquish it, unless whoever desires it can best him in combat.
The tenets of Baaagh are not traditional in any sense. Rather than words passed down through holy text or divine prayer, they are taken from blood drawn pictures, left on a stone walls. These tenets, rumoured to be drawn by the Bloodletter himself, were found by his faithful in a network of caves deep in the heart of the Berphauntian forests. These drawings made in blood speak the will of the Heart Eater. The images depict what he expects of his favoured, though the desired interpretation is not always obvious.