Titles: The Lady, Angelheart
Domain: Life, Mercy
Symbol: A robin
Sphere Granted: Light
Perhaps the most popular and beloved goddess in the pantheon of Light, Cassandra is a favourite among healers, physicians, lovers, midwives and those wanting or expecting children. Unlike Roland and Kael, Cassandra does not solve her problems with flaming swords or by dispatching righteous justice. She believes in a softer approach. Cassandra teaches her followers to love their enemies and show mercy. There is always redemption in the Light, even for the most heinous of villains.
As the goddess of life, Cassandra is most venerated at the moment of a mortal birth. It is often said that Cassandra’s power over life at its genesis is so powerful that it can alter the fate of mortal child, beyond even Vesmir’s influence. Newborn babies who receive a blessing of the Angelheart at the moment of their birth are said to have their fate set along the path of light and happiness, even if they had been doomed to live a life of strife and darkness.
While Cassandra advocates for peace and mercy, she does not demand a life of pacifism from her followers. The church accepts the use of violence, though only as a last resort in the defence of the church or the innocent. While violence may occur, the taking of life should never be an option. Should any suffer harm at the hand of a worshipper of the Lady, the church demands that their atonement be made threefold.
The Church of Cassandra is a large and integral faction of the Church of Light, boasting the largest, most diverse group of followers. Despite this, the Church of Cassandra tends to take a backseat in the politics of the pantheon. They focus their efforts on the well-being of those in need, engaging in activities like the development and operations of hospitals, refugee camps, and schools.

Cassandra appears as a human woman with soft features in the twilight of her youth. She keeps her tawny brown hair pinned to the side. Her eyes are warm and kind and sit lightly upon a face that betrays the slightest signs of ageing. Upon her voluptuous, pear shaped figure she wears a simple short red dress over more practical brown pants. Across her shoulder, resting on her hip, she carries a magical bag said to be capable of holding any object of any size.
While Cassandra uses no weapons or armour, the Lady of Life is not defenceless in combat. In times of trouble she can teleport safely to any resurrection or healing circle. Should she find herself injured beyond the capacity her own formidable restoration magics, she can draw healing from any of her favoured. Outside of direct combat, Cassandra able to cast any healing and life giving magic without effort.
Five things a Cassandra follower should do:
1. Show mercy to all living things. Through mercy and compassion any spirit can be redeemed.
2. Above all things, preserve and maintain mortal life. Make use of all the Lady’s gifts, including magic, alchemy, and medicine.
3. Establish or support institutions that heal, shelter, or protect the innocent and injured. Hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens and the like are critical in preserving life.
4. Promote peace in all forms. Be it a peasant family in the midst of domestic dispute or armies on the brink of war, be a mediator and a voice of compassion.
5. If you cause harm to another, heal threefold more.
Five things a Cassandra follower should not do:
1. Take life. Strive to save all, even those that fall by your own hand.
2. Allow a child to die, for their death is final. Sacrifice everything to ensure a child’s safety, including your own life.
3. Discriminate in who you give aid. All life is sacred and deserving of the Lady’s mercy, regardless of race, gender, religion or loyalties.
4. Forget that while magic and medicine heal the body, it is warmth and compassion that heal the spirit. The simplest act of kindness can ripple through the Arthos and heal a distant heart.
5. Allow your pride to grow larger than the mercy in your heart. Your deeds and charity will challenge your humility as you gain favour and love. Remember that all life is weighed equally in the Lady’s heart.