Titles: The Lover, The Creation
Domain: Passion, Inspiration
Symbol: A red harp with gold strings
Sphere Granted: Light
Created by Magnora at first to be an exquisite source of inspiration, neither male nor female, Celeste came into their own rapidly. As an ascending God in their own right, Celeste is held in esteem by artists of all kinds, romantics and those seeking good-natured revelry. Their angels are some of the youngest and most energetic of the celestial plane. Celeste’s angels are often sent forth to inspire artists or arrange chance meetings between compatible mortals, rather than acting as formal liaisons.

Celeste’s appearance can change on a whim to whatever is most pleasing to their audience. Their natural state is tall, willowy and androgynous, with skin like an iridescent pearl, crystalline eyes, and long hair. They prefer flowing robes of fine linen and silk, with gold and pearl ornaments.
Five things a Celeste follower should do:
1. Create art regardless of whether it has a practical purpose.
2. Express your emotions. Nothing is gained by not being clear about what you feel or want.
3. Follow your intuition and imagination.
4. Help others achieve their heart’s desires. Introduce potential lovers and provide artistic assistance.
5. Celebrate the joys of life, both great and small. There is always time for a party.
Five things a Celeste follower should not do:
1. Be dishonest or lie to others. Beauty comes from being true to yourself.
2. Second guess yourself. You know what is right for you.
3. Put off your creative urges. Who is to say that this isn’t the right time and place?
4. Allow yourself to be pressured by others to do what they wish instead of following your dreams.
5. Take credit for work created by others or shame others for their desires or identity.
Celeste was not born a god. They were crafted by Magnora, goddess of the forge. Magnora had grown lonely in her isolation, deep within the mountains of Gerdain. Having obtained the rune of creation from Valdr, her father, Magnora sought to do the impossible; craft herself a lover. She collected from the mortal world incredible crafting materials that would awaken creativity, inspiration, beauty and merriment. Using the rune and her own masterful skill, Magnora fashioned a being that embodied all those qualities and more. Unfortunately for her, she also gave it free will.
While Celeste did love their creator, they did not love her solely. Celeste wished to see the world, to explore and inspire the mortals. They left Magnora, unaware that she was heartbroken, and set out on their own path. Never put off by Magnora’s beard or scars, Celeste embodies unconditional love and beauty of both form and spirit.