
Lore Entry posted: March 16, 2019 by
Posted in: Gods & Aspects, Lore

The gods of light and darkness are determined by the moral ‘majority’, as dictated by the Church of Light. The Church, founded in the Kingdom of Tiefanue, has spread its churches and influence to almost every major city and port, in every major kingdom. They bring with them their own sense of morality and their own vision of which gods are good or light, and which are evil or dark. Those gods, approved by the Church, can be worshipped by any and all, inside universally compliant structures, all under the blanket title, The Church of Light. Individual churches to specific light gods are also known to exist but are more rare in number. Church doctrine recognizes that although some gods of light may dabble in darkness, their light supersedes. The Church, however, does not condone the use of dark magic by its mortal worshipers, regardless of what the gods may grant.

While the Church of Light’s reach is vast, its grasp does not extend everywhere. In many kingdoms and empires the worship of dark gods is allowed, generally with strict regulation, and in some it is even encouraged or the norm.

Gods of Light

Gods of Darkness

Savage Gods