Titles: The Matron, Mother of Elves
Domain: Elves
Symbol: A red eye with three tears
Sphere Granted: Light or Dark
Ll’yandra was the second god to make her presence known in the world of Arthos. She claims to be the creator of the true Thalan, before they were shattered into their many elven subspecies. She was there when the first Thalan city was built. She was there when the Humans rose up and fractured her children into the multiple elven subraces that exist today. The Mother of Elves bitterly mourned the fragmentation of her true Thalan. Ll’yandra acts as loving mother and protector to all her children and to those that serve her. In the past that meant all elves, regardless of sub-race or creed. Recent events caused Ll’yandra to cast away some of those she once cared for. The Stone Elves, now called Shattered Elves, and the Ice Elves, taken from her by the Goddess of Pain, Pandora, no longer possess shards. They are no longer afforded her protection and are no longer considered elves by Ll’yandra and her followers.
To her chosen children, Ll’yandra encourages a strong bond and familial protection. She values conviction and loyalty. Like any good mother, she is patient, realizing that some of her children will stray from the path from time to time and that to force them back would only instil resentment and anger in them. Eventually they will find their own way back, in this life or their next. Ll’yandra teaches that elves should work together to help protect, teach, and solidify each other’s place in the world. The method by which this achieved is not as important to her as the principle under which it is accomplished. She grants her favoured either light or dark magic, but does require them to choose. Ll’yandra will not suffer those that straddle the paths of light and darkness, for their hearts lack conviction.
It is said that in the earliest days, when the elves were one race, Ll’yandra placed a living shard into each of her children, collected from her own tears. When an elf passes into final death, their lifeforce foregoes the traditional transcendence into the Deadlands and instead returns to Ll’yandra’s celestial home. There, in her magical Garden, the shards of unborn elves hang from the trees like precious fruit. The Mother claims that the number of elves is finite, and through this process no elf may truly die. Instead, they return home to be reborn anew. It is for this reason that Ll’yandra despises necromancy. That dark magic perverts and twists an elf’s shard, corrupting it and prohibiting it from returning to the Garden, obliterating the elven life force within forever.

Ll’yandra takes the form of a majestic, mature elf. Her eyes glow gold but speak softly of wisdom. She is always clothed in a diaphanous white dress that trails a few feet behind her. She wears no armour and carries no weapons, but she is always heavily channeling. Upon her head she wears a simple crown, woven from twigs and branches. Between each sprig, magical golden berries bloom that are said to give life to any who consume them. Ll’yandra is often seen barefoot. When she walks upon the natural lands of Arthos, white rose plants bloom in her footsteps.
Five things a Ll’yandra follower should do:
1. Put your tribe first, then all elves, then all others.
2. Use light or dark magic to enforce her will, but never both, for that is beyond mortal reach.
3. Cultivate wisdom and magic. Learn through patience and be strong in your convictions.
4. Guard and protect the forest. It is the sanctuary of all elves.
5. Open your heart and home to those who walk the Mother’s path. Show them charity and mercy.
Five things a Ll’yandra follower should not do:
1. Kill an elf whose shard is not corrupted.
2. Forget to pay respect to the Mother, even while worshiping another.
3. Allow a shard’s path to be interrupted in any way.
4. Tolerate necromancy against elves or further its teachings in others.
5. Give charity or sympathy to those who kill elves with little regard.