Titles: The Lord of Light, Oathkeeper
Domain: Order, Honour
Symbol: Golden shield
Sphere Granted: Light
Roland is the god of honour, order, law, discipline, and chivalry. He is typically worshipped by soldiers, those that serve the law, and those who hold honour close to their hearts. The Church of Roland is large and well-organised. Because of his authority over law, he is also seen as a protector for the lower classes and those who cannot defend themselves. He teaches that without honour you are nothing and that full submission to the will of his divine cause is the greatest blessing. His teachings guide on the battlefield and in day to day life, with sacrifice and courage being stressed above all. If a law appears unjust to a follower of Roland, they should use legal means to change it, and have faith in Roland to mend that which is broken, legally.
Roland was the first god to make his presence known to the mortals of the world of Arthos. When the first humans were cast out of the Thalan’s golden city it was Roland that sheltered them and taught them the skills they needed to survive. After the first war Roland gathered the other gods of Light and together they crowned the first human king, establishing the Kingdom of Tiefanue in year 1. Since that day Roland has been the figurehead of the Church of Light, granting his guidance and protection to all those who would serve the church.

Roland appears to mortals as a bearded human male with glowing golden eyes. He is a beacon of strength and power, fully armoured in glowing white plate mail that intensifies the light of the sun. At his command golden wings extend from his back, giving him flight when needed. He carries a large magical bastard sword called “Patience” which smites evil with every swing. On his back or on his arm sits his fabled golden shield, “Virtue”, said to deflect any evil weapon that would dare strike the god of honour.
Five things a Roland follower should do:
1. Live and fight with honour.
2. Obey, establish and respect lawful authority. Follow the chain of command.
3. Protect the weak and innocent without regard to your own safety.
4. Spread the word of the Light through action and leadership. Suffer not those who practice the dark arts or bargain with demons.
5. Try the unlawful through due process and accept the lawful verdict of their trials. Exonerate the falsely accused, regardless of their morality or affiliation.
Five things a Roland follower should not do:
1. Break a law unless it contradicts a tenet of Roland. Lawmakers who rule without honour are tyrants and should be deposed.
2. Turn your back to a foe in battle or a friend in life.
3. Break your word. You are bound by your oaths.
4. Be motivated by base emotions such as greed, envy and pride.
5. Leave an innocent or fallen comrade behind on the field of battle.