Titles: The Huntress, Warden of the Wilds
Domain: Hunt, Strength
Symbol: A fang
Sphere Granted: Light
Sybil is the huntress and guardian of nature. She patrols the forests, tending to the animals in need and bringing swift justice to those that would dare harm nature. She travels with her faithful companion, the Fenrir wolf, and watches over her ill fated lover, Dunarthos, who gave his life to merge with the World Tree. He is the land and she is his protector.
Respect for the endless cycle of predator and prey is paramount to Sybil. This draws many hunters to her altar, but the concept of “prey” is not simply limited to beasts. It is common to find gatherers, fishers and explorers bearing her symbol as well. She embraces those who seek to survive within the wilderness, so long as they take only what they need and defend their hunting grounds from defilers. Unlike her lover, Sybil does not encourage passivity and instead emboldens her followers to take action in pursuit of their personal hunts. Sybil does not speak. She lets her actions speak for her.

Sybil’s preferred form is that of a dark skinned wild elven woman in hooded tunic of darkest green, wielding a silver tipped spear. It is said that on the nights of a full moon, Sybil can be seen patrolling the wilds with a pack of keen-eyed lycanthropes in her wake.
Five things a follower of Sybil should do:
1. Respect your prey. Take what is needed, replace what is lost, and waste nothing.
2. Protect the wildlands from those who would exploit or despoil them.
3. Acknowledge your weaknesses and seek to improve them constantly; become stronger through vigilant training, not through tricks.
4. Be the light in the darkness. Aim to inspire others against corruption through your words and actions.
5. Share your knowledge with younger generations and your kin. Pass on your gifts.
Five things a follower of Sybil should not do:
1. Lose your connection to the wilds by dwelling too long in urban areas.
2. Use poison or disease as weapons or tools. Your hunt should be a pure contest between predator and prey.
3. Let your prey suffer.
4. Be sedentary or satisfied. If a hunt does not come to you, find one.
5. Betray your pack or lead them to their destruction.
Sybil is not a goddess native to these lands. She was pulled into this realm when the old gods waged war and were made mortal. She partnered with Dunarthos who, at the time, was God of the Hunt. The two quickly fell in love, but fate had other plans. The brown dragon Nidhogg devoured the roots of the World Tree, which gives life and connects all the realms. With the help of the Fenrir Wolf, the two hunters defeated the brown dragon and forced him to flee, but the damage done was far too great. Dunarthos, her love, sacrificed himself and became the roots the tree needed to survive. He gave up his hunter’s title, passing it to her before becoming one with the land. He is the father of nature and she acts as his guardian.